Thursday, 28 January 2010

Craft Calendar

For those of you who have been wondering what I've been up to for the last couple of months (not many I know) I can now tell you that the answer is Craft Calendar

As the name suggests this is an Events" type site listing Craft Fairs, Craft Material Shows, Craft workshops and other craft related Events in the UK.

The site itself has a great interactive map which makes it really easy to find events in your area. You can also search within a date range, by City or by Region.

Events are being added on weekly bases so there is always new events to find on there.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Well I've completelyrevamped the website, new layout, new mailing list, new forum and even some new content.

The new content includes 3 new videos, a basic painting one, a new blending one and a glass painted portrait.

Not too sure about the last one. The videos a bit boring, just me glass painting speeded up! I'm not too sure about the result either. It's the first time I've tried this type of glass painting (without outliner) and I think I'll have to give it a few more tries. Next time I'll ensure all the colours are completely different as the dark brown I used was far too close too the balck. The blue I used should also have beeen a lot greyer!

Well if you don't try these things you never learn anything new! Would be interested to hear if anyone else gives this style of glass painting a go!