Thursday, 3 September 2009

Free Cross Stitch Charts

Well I have now added a new section to .... Free Cross Stitch charts. It's taken a little bit of learning on my part as I didn't really know much about Cross Stitch when I decided to do this.

I'm producing charts in a range of sizes and counts. To start with I just used anchor colours but I have added keys for DMC colours now as well following requests for users.

I did start letting people know about the charts in the Free Craft Downloads Email Newsletter but have just launched a seperate email newletter specifically for the Cross Stitch. I've realised that, although there is a small cross over between Stichers and Paper Crafters not all Paer CRafters want to be reading news about Cross Stitch Charts and visa versa.

Anyway why not visit the new Cross Stitch section, any comments about what I have done would be most welcome as I still obviously have a lot to learn.